
Service Rendering for Bloodbuy

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Bloodbuy is a newly launched innovative company that introduced technology into the blood trading market. It uses a cloud-based platform to increase the efficiency in the existing industry. By overcoming the entrenched system in blood industry, Bloodbuy introduced a new network between blood demander and supplier. By tackling the supply/demand balancing problem within the blood market, Bloodbuy gains a lot of awareness in the southern part of United States.


Company & Industry 

In order to have deeper understanding of this business, we did a company profile alone with blood bank industry profile. With the profiles, we can find out the place Bloodbuy stand in the blood transection market. 

Analysis Direction

After a brief study of Bloodbuy service, we addressed several things that was mentioned in the information:

• Bloodbuy is a relatively closed network that insures all the participators are well secured.
• Bloodbuy is a multi-sided business model that needs to fulfill two different perspectives and need.
• With introducing technology into this old industry, Bloodbuy is performing an innovated service, aiming the inefficiency within the industry.

We have considered if the platform can be applied to different services that have the similar issue with blood industry. Moreover, trying to expand the business to reach the goal of having larger market share is our intention of this analysis. 



Business Model

We defined Bloodbuy as multi-sided business model, in which blood suppliers and demanders are both customers. All the sections in this model is surrounding the core value of the business:
“Our platform is the only blood transaction service that offers a way to increase blood effciency.”

With the existing business structure that Boodbuy has, we expanded their opportunity into breast milk industry. The international standardize code (ISBT 128) that Bloodbuy is using to manage their blood products gave us an advantage on reaching to other medical related markets (breast milk industry). 

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Service Delivery

The encounter map shows a complete picture of the service process. We noted that although customers are using the same service, the experience and expectation for both sides are different. This leads to the difference between stages that customers participate in the service. Furthermore, the strict policy within the blood transaction in the service may affect the final decision for customers and create more than one exit points. 


Channel Distribution

From the service channel map, we can see that Bloodbuy is trying to gain awareness with multiple channels. However, after entering the service, the channel selection becomes very limited. This makes Bloodbuy a closed business. The pros for this is that Bloodbuy can put minimum effort in identifying their customers. On the other hand, the potential participators are automatically eliminated from the service. 


Service Offerings

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Offering Map

Service package shows the overall deliverable to complete the service. It also shows the relationship between the core, enabling and differentiating tiles. The potential service is as well included in this map

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Augmented Map

The augmented map shows the intangible elements that affect the customer reaction in the service. This also shows the attitude that Bloodbuy has that gives them value in the market


Service Blueprint

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Original Ecosystem

In this process, we have decided to merge the stakeholders map and ecosystem map together to make sure that it not only identify the relationship between each actor but also shows the influence level each participator have in the service. 

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Iterated Ecosystem

Other than expanding to breast milk industry, we included an iteration in money transaction in the service. By partnering with third party Online payment platform we tried to reduce the workload that Bloodbuy has without affecting the overall value that they try to deliver for their customers.


Iterated Operation Overview

The changes that we made in the service are shown in this map. With the iterations within the service, we hoped that Bloodbuy can reach out to more potential customers and expand their revenue stream, moreover eliminate the unnecessary cost for the company. 

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